Pledge Spare Room(s)

Whether you have a single spare room or several spare rooms,
we are delighted to hear from you

How it works

  • Click Here to fill in basic contact information and room(s) detail and hit the submit button
  • You will receive an acknowledgement call to check the details of your offer over the phone
  • Following that, a Caseworker will work to match your offer. When the Casework is matching the aim is to find matches that best benefit hosts, host communities and the people we are supporting. Photographs of the accommodation may be required at this stage 
  • If a match is made, with your permission, we will arrange a meeting with you, a Caseworker and the matched person(s). This may happy in-person or on-line, at your convenience 
  • If all parties are happy to proceed, we will arrange a move date
  • We support with the move, both practically and socially, and your Irish Red Cross or a Consortium Caseworker, where relevant, will be in regular contact to support you, your community and the people using our service 
  • Hosts accommodating children under 16 in a shared property must undergo Garda Vetting

Criteria and Standards Required to Pledge a Room

  • Shared properties are those with at least one single spare room
  • For pledges of property, we request a minimum of 6-12 months commitment if possible 
  • Share properties must include direct access to cooking facilities, shared or private bathrooms, and private bedrooms of a reasonable size
  • Where possible, it is preferable that properties should be close to public transport and within a short commute to villages, towns or cities