Pledge Vacant House or Apartment

Pledge Vacant Houses, Apartments, Holiday Homes

How it works

Below are the steps we take with you to convert your generous offer into a viable match
  • ​Click Here to fill in basic contact, property information and hit the submit button
  • We contact you to confirm your details and answer any questions
  • We arrange an onsite assessment of the property
  • We notify you when a match is made
  • We provide the paperwork necessary to start the move
  • We support you and those moving into your home throughout the placement
  • We manage any scheduled or emergency exits

Criteria and Standards Required to Pledge a Property

Vacant properties can be offered by private landlords, people with second homes, businesses and letting agents, charities, community groups
  • Apartment, houses or holiday homes
  • No one else lives in the property
  • At least one bedroom
  • Minimum of 6-12 months commitment
  • Access to public transport
  • Accessibility to schools and services
  • Reasonable condition